Upon hearing the word "Stone Problem", most of us usually think of kidney stones. But only some of us could ask whether kidney stones or gall bladder stones?
Liver produces Bile Juice which is useful in digesting fat content available in our food. Produced bile juice is stored in a bag called Gall Bladder which is near our stomach, fascilitating fat digestion.
Stomach can easily digest Carbohydrate, it will take more time to digest Proteins and Fats. Once food is consumed, the on time prepared Bile Juice is not enough to digest the fat, so our stomach needs a reservoir of Bile Juice, which is the Gall Bladder.
Unlike our kidney, there is no chance of salts and acids present in our food to enter into Gall Bladder to deposit as stones, but the Bile itself could become dried and forms as stones.
When a person is diagnosed with Gall Bladder stones, most allopathic doctors suggest to remove Gall Bladder itself because that is the final solution for this problem. But before applying the final solution, we may consider removing Gall Bladder stones only.
But docters prefer the final solution because even after removing stones, there are many chances for the further development of Gall Bladder stones for the same person. But the final solution provided is also problematic because it could leads to lack of Bile Juice available for digestion leading to indigestion.
If the person is following a good diet having less fat and carbohydrates, enough vitamins and minerals, then it will not create any problem. But if the person is a food lover, then removing Gall Bladder is not a good solution.
For those people, Homeopathy and Siddha provides a better solution. The medicines provided by Homeopathy and Ayurveda docters just dissolves Gall Bladder stones. Nerunjil is a plant mentioned in Siddha texts to cure Gall Bladder stones by dissolving them. But through non allopathic methods, along with taking medicines, it is must to follow some exercise and yoga poses.
Non allopathic remedies also advise us to tollerate our stomach pain till the existings stones are completely dissolved. It also compul to have a proper diet.
Which one is exactly correct? is a million dollar question, because the views about tollerating the pain to save Gall Bladder or having Gall Bladder removed and following a good diet differs person to person.
Super. Works well for kidney cleaning.
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