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Kalyana Murungai - Rival wife for Peepal Tree


Kalyana Murungai also called as Indian Coral tree in English is a big tree having thorns all over its stems. It is usually grown by people as a natural fence. Its leaves are nearly like leaves of peepal tree.

As it is having thorns all over its stems, it is called as Mul Murungai in Tamil. Mul means thorns. It is also called as rival wife of Peepal Tree because of its medicinal properties.

Its leaf extract can cure stomach pain, fever induced by Pitha Dosha, Mouth Ulcer. It is good in treating many problems related to uterus. Its flowers can also cure uterine fibroids.

Its leaf extract has been used by many people to cure intestinal worms when consumed along with honey. It can be consumed along with coconut oil to induce Lactation in feeding mothers.

Usually Peepal leaf extract has been used to treat menstrual related stomach pain, female infertiliy, and other uterus problems.

As Kalyana Murungai is a competitor for Peepal Leaf regarding these uterus related problems, it is called as Sakkalathi (Rival Wife) in Tamil by our ancestors.


Vijayalakshmi 08 Mar 2020

Super. Works well for kidney cleaning.

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