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Karisalankanni - Health Benefits of our Beautician


Upon hearing the word Karisalankanni or Bhringaraj, what comes in our mind is the beautiful, long dark hair of a woman. Because we all are using Karisalankanni in the form of oil or powder to strengthen, and to increase hair growth and hair density.

Majority of our television ads are also showing us the benefits of Karisalankanni for a better hair growth. No one shows us the health wise benefits of Karisalankanni rather than makeup wise.

Karisalankanni can be classified into four types as white, yellow, red, and blue. Out of these white is the most available and yellow is also available, red and blue varieties of Karisalankanni are very rare and many of us don't know about these varieties.

Karisalankanni extract along with equal amount of castor oil and several garlics boiled in hot water can be consumed to treat fever, and many skin diseases. It can also cure even Jaundice.

Karisalankanni extract along with equal amount of sesame oil, boiled in hot water can treat Asthma. Its leaf extract consumed along with buttermilk can stop the effect of snake poision. It can be used as a first aid upon snake bite.

Childrens are usually affected by ear pain. It is usually cured by a variety of Aloe Vera (Snake Plant or Marul Katralai or Pampu Katralai). Stem extract prepared from light heated Snake Plant Stem can be poured into ear to cure ear pain. But this Snake Plant is somewhat rare and not popular like Aloevera.

To treat that ear pain, instead of Snake Plant extract of Karisalankanni can also be used. For all these ancient home remedies works whenever Karisalankanni is consumed or internally applied.


Vijayalakshmi 08 Mar 2020

Super. Works well for kidney cleaning.

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