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Kayakalpha - The Alchemy of our ancestors


"Kayakalpha" is the art created by ancient Siddhars of our country. Kaya means our body, Kalpa means the time period of Brahma's life. Making our body alive for that many years is the art of Kayakalpha.

Nowadays, many sell some products as Kayakalpha. It is believed that kayakalpha herbal products helps us to increase lifetime and also to reduce the risk of being attacked by many diseases. But the truth is ther is no product as kayakalpha product in these days.

As per spirituality, our body is having two major parts namely Physical body and Astral Body (Spiritual Body). When we consume healthy food, when we practice exercise and yoga and when we lead our life in a natural way, it helps us to strengthen our physical body and also our astral body.

When one part of our body become strengthen, it also helps the other part to improve. Similarly when one become sick or affected, it also affects the other. We can understand this, by the way, an unhealthy body also leads to unhealthy mind and viceversa.

Since ancient days, it was very complex to understand about the astral body. Only great saints and siddhars understood enough about astral body. We can take medicines like kashaya, legiyam, oils to cure and strengthen our physical body. But the medicines given to astral body were interms of energy transfers and physiotheraphy like treatments.

Varma treatment practiced currently is an example of astral body treatment. Yoga science, Meditation is also a key to astral body treatment. There are certain physical medicines also in improving astral body health. But those are not important, and only the energy transfer is important.

Only a person having a good vision can guide a blind person. Only an educated can educate an idiot. Only a person who have a strong mind can become a psychologist. Similarly only a person having good astral body strength can practice varma treatment like things to the other.

One more thing is this astral body strength differs person to person. Great saints, Noble people, Kings and king makers could have a powerful astral body, where as normal human being would have an average body, Kids could have a powerful astral body where as sick people would have a weak body.

Not only human being, but also animals and plants are having this astral body. When preparing Siddha and Ayurveda medicines, plants are seized, crushed to prepare its extract. In this process, it not only affects the physical body of the plant but also the astral body.

If we prepare an siddha medicine without losing its astral body strength, upon consuming it will helps us to improve our astral body strength. As long as the spirital body is powerful, there will be no death or disease for physical body.

Some secret medicinal practices done by our ancient siddhars were to strengthen our astral body. Those medicines are called as "Kayakalpha". To consume a Kayakalpha medicine, our body should have enough amount of astral body strength, else it will create adverse effects. So, normal people could not take Kayakalpha.

At the same time, to prepare a Kayakalpha medicine, huge amount of astral body strength is required. Only a great saint, a person who is free from desires can do it.


Vijayalakshmi 08 Mar 2020

Super. Works well for kidney cleaning.

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