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Kidney Stones - The Cause and Effects


Kidney stones are one of the most problematic health issues. They also creates more pain and tension for the patient. Depth of these words can be understood only by the experienced people.

Consuming less water, too much of calcium and magnesium salted foods, highly acidic foods, obesity, and the regular tablets taken for other prolonged diseases are considered as main reasons for kidney stones. Though, most of the stones are calcium and acid related.

Sodium and Pottasium Salts available in our food gets dissolved easily in the water. They do not precipitate. But Calcium and Magnesium salts available in our food do not dissolve easily in water and they also precipitate easily. Our body employs several other Liquids to dissolve those minerals.

If Calcium combines with several acids like Oxalic Acid, it may create a salt which cannot be easily dissolved inside our body. Even though our Kidney dissolve these hard substances, when enough water is not available in our body, these salts precipitate inside our kidney and forms as a hard stones.

Several foods like Tomato, Spinach are containing these kind of Acids. We should not take those food too much in a time. Else we have to drink more water to help our kidneys. Similarly, when we take Spinach, we should try to avoid Milk, Curd and other Calcium rich products.

At the same time, not all sour tasted items are dangerous. Some are useful in dissolving kidney stones. When acids in Tomato, Spinach are forming stones, acids in Citric Acid in Lemon and Tartaric Acid in Tamaraind helps us to dissolve stones.

People also use herbals like Banana Stem, Caltrop, and Poonai Meesai in the form of Kashayam to dissolve kidney stones. Poonai Meesai is considered as a health tonic for our kidneys.

Afraid of kidney stones, we can't ommit Spinach, Spinach or Calcium rich milk varieties. Here the problem is neither Spinach nor Milk. But the combination of them at same time.

One old man said, "All white food items are necessary, but dangerous when consumed much". It seems his words are somewhat true. You see, Salt, Coconut, Milk, Curd, White Rice, Sugar all become dangerous to our health if not burnt by our body.


Vijayalakshmi 08 Mar 2020

Super. Works well for kidney cleaning.

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