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Nai Kadugu | Dog Mustard - Worst Pest or Herbal?


This Small Herbal Plant called as Nai Kadugu or Kattu Kadugu or El Kadugu in Tamil grows in road sides, and in barren lands even for a small rain. It is actually a worst pest in crops fields and removing it entirely is a very difficult thing once it occupy a crops field.

Nai Kadugu Seeds are same as that of ordinary Mustard in appearance but very small in size. When they are soaked in water, it gives out a jelly and become pasted together. It works in the same way as Sabja Seeds.

Nai Kadugu Leaves and Seeds are having so much medicinal and religious values. These Seeds powdered, soaked in water, and the extract can be used to clean long lasting wounds. This will helps to clean the wounds completely and if any worms in that, it will come out. These Seeds Powder, mixed with Kaadi can be used to reduce Inflammation.

Oil prepared from these seeds can be used to treat Skin Diseases. Seeds Powder can also be used along with Sambrani Powder. People believes that this Sambrani removes negative vibrations, evil eye effects. These Seeds are also being used as a Samagiri in Homam.

These Seeds can also be used as an alternative to ordinary Mustard. Seeds can be made as a Chutney and it will eliminate Vadha Dosha related problems. Similarly, Leaves can also be made as Chutney for regular consumption.

Naikadugu roots when boiled in Castor Oil gives its extract, which can be given to children to cure Indigestion and Intestinal worms.


Vijayalakshmi 08 Mar 2020

Super. Works well for kidney cleaning.

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