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Sirunerunjil - Siddha remedy for Stones


Nerunjil or Sirunerunchil is a creeper plant usually grows on road sides and in dry lands. The fruit of the plant are with spherical, having sharp spines. Leaves are opposite, small, and oblong in shape. Flowers are bright yellow in colour and having round pedals.

If the plant grown and multiplied its fruits in a crops field, it will be very hard for the farmer to entirely remove the plant from his field. Mostly farmers will be very careful in removing the plant. They usually removes it before it flowers.

It is called as Nerunjil in Tamil, Caltrops in English, Gokhru in Hindi. Plant powder mixed with water is given for impotency. Decoction of the stem alone is given for Gonorrhoea. Fruits are considered as diuretic and given for removing kidney stones and gall bladder stones.

Nerunjil is a cold plant. Can also be used to remove body heat. Nerunjil fruits cooked with milk steam, then sun dried, ground well as powder is said to increase sperm count. Like steam cooking, these fruits has to be cooked, but instead of water, has to be used.


Vijayalakshmi 08 Mar 2020

Super. Works well for kidney cleaning.

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