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Benefits of Green Camphor | Bhimseni Camphor


There are two types of camphor that we use for daily puja. The first type is ordinary camphor. It is made with chemicals and wax. The second type is natural camphor called green camphor. It is made from a resins of a Kapur Tree.

Most of us do not know about this green camphor. It has many religious and health benefits.

1. By the smell of green camphor and its glory, the evil that may be present in the house will go out of the house. So there will always be peace at home. Apart from that, green camphor has the ability to attract money, so there will always be money in the house without any trouble for money.

2. People use molten green camphor mixed with Cow Ghee to apply on wounds caused by weapons to prevent infection.

3. Green camphor can be added sparingly to dishes like biryani. It clears the fungal infection in the stomach.

4. People use raw camphor mixed in coconut oil to get rid of pains knee pain and hip pain.

5. Green camphor dissolved in coconut oil has been used for pain caused by ear fungus. Green camphor has so many good benefits without any side effects. But for all these only green camphor should be used.

Green camphor will be like a transparent crystal in appearance and is not too white in color. Compounded camphor will be white in color. Green camphor occurs as an irregular crystal, not in a regular pattern.

We can add green camphor to food. But ordinary camphor should not be eaten.


Vijayalakshmi 08 Mar 2020

Super. Works well for kidney cleaning.

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